Leadership Development Consulting


 Specialty Areas



Team Leadership: Lead effective teams for maximum collaboration and results with effective tools and skill building.

Group Dynamics: Enhance interpersonal interactions within the office to promote a supportive and collaborative workplace environment. 

Team Learning: Promote the sharing and transfer of learning between individuals on a team and across teams using organizational learning tactics and techniques. 

Leveraging Diversity: Maximize the different perspectives, resources and skills of a team.



Difficult Conversations:  Approach tense and sensitive situations and resolve them quickly.

Feedback: Provide encouraging and ongoing constructive critique and respond with grace and action to feedback received.

Focused Conversations: Conduct and add value to high stakes meetings and dialogues.

Conflict Resolution: Manage day-to-day politics and disruptive challenges with clear and action-oriented solutions and constructive dialogue. 



Transitions: Plan with intention and navigate changes within the organization, across leadership, and amidst role changes.

Performance Improvement: Develop skills needed for your next promotional role and bridge gaps in core competency areas.

Peer Coaching: Learn to coach others and to promote sustainable personal and professional growth.

Overcoming Resistance to Change: Detect and overcome roadblocks that are obstructing progress.

Unplug and Recharge: Identify barriers to unplugging in order to fully refresh and recharge

 Collaborative Solutions


Leadership Development Programs

Working with Walling & Associates has been a phenomenal experience. The customized leadership development program gave me useful tools to apply in the many challenging conversations I run across in my job and frameworks I still use today for dealing with high stress team dynamics. On a personal level, the executive coaching aspect created a huge shift in my mindset of how I approach issues and recognizing my triggers. Being more self-aware through coaching has done more for my career advancement (and personal relationships) than most of the business courses I have taken.


Team Retreats

“Walling & Associates continues to serve as a critical partner in our team retreats. They help clarify and crystalize our team’s key goals using an inclusive and systematic process that engages team members from planning through evaluation. With their strong facilitation skills, they able to be both responsive and flexible during our retreats, allowing the group to meet identified and organically occurring objectives. They further enhance the group experience by customizing materials unique to our needs. We have such an enriching experience every time, growing our knowledge base about ourselves and our team dynamics. All in all, they are superstars and you will want to work with them again and again.”


Executive Coaching

“Alison is a master in coaching and leadership development (in many different verticals including financial services and technology). She draws from her deep experience as a coach, which enables her to draw insights quickly and for clients to grasp concepts intuitively and apply them into practice right away. Alison is the best kept secret on the market and is all about building trust and creating win-win client experiences. ”


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Performance Reviews

Customized Online 360 Performance Review Assessment

Customized In-Person 360 Verbal Interviews

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Organizational Leadership & Learning

Organizational Learning Questionnaire

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Social Intelligence

Thinking Styles Assessment: Neethling Brain Inventory (NBI)

Learning Styles Inventory (LSI)

Personal Listening Profile (PLP)

Social Styles Inventory

Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Inventory: EQ-i 2.0 and EQ-i 360

Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)

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Team Leadership & Learning

Team Diagnostic Survey

Burke Learning Agility Inventory

Team Learning Survey